Items pertaining to the video filter I created and used in the Estuaries Series and other works. A detailed explanation of the filter is published in Battey, B. (2020) "Technique and Audiovisual Counterpoint in the Estuaries Series". In Andrew Knight-Hill, Ed., Sound and Image: Aesthetics and Practices. London: Routledge.
Robert Chafer (1st supervisor)
[Midlands Four Cities Doctoral Training Programme award recipient] Creative Frameworks for Future Practice: Cross-Synthesis of Mixed-Reality and Audiovisual Composition
Eddie Clijsen (2nd supervisor)
[Midlands Four Cities Doctoral Training Programme award recipient] Practical Explorations of Formalised Approaches to Microtonal Composition
Ross Davidson (1st supervisor)
[Midlands Four Cities Doctoral Training Programme award recipient] Applying an Electroacoustic Approach to the Soundtrack of Narrative Film
Anastasios Asonitis – 2024, University of Manchester Portfolio of Original Compositions
["Optimisation algorithmic processes as a source of narrative for audiovisual composition"]
Emmanouil Kanellos – 2024, Bath Spa University Immersive Visual Music: How Contemporary Visual Music Practices have Evolved and how Immersive Technologies can be Employed to Compose Visual Music Works
Bryan Dunphy – 2021, Goldsmiths, University of London Mapping Unrealities: The Development of an Audiovisual Practice
Jonathan Hughes – 2015, University of York Sonic Explorations in Divergent Landscapes
Louise Harris – 2010, University of Sheffield Portfolio of Audio-visual Compositions
Michaela Reiser – 2010, London Metropolitan University Listening to the Mind at Play: Sonified Biofeedback as Generative Art Practice and Theory
Andy Keep – 2007, Bath Spa University Responsive Performance Strategies with Electronic Feedback: Shaping Intrinsic Behaviours
PhD Internal Examiner
Stewart Worthy – 2024, De Montfort University Beyond the Veil: Revealing the Hidden Qualities of Objects and Spaces through Electroacoustic Audiovisual Experiences
Jerry Fishenden – 2013, De Montfort University Interactive Digital Technologies and the User Experience of Time and Place
Completed Masters by Research Students
Samuel Thomas – 2021 (1st supervisor) Investigating Untutored Perception in Visual Music
Rob Chafer – 2021 (2nd supervisor) Time–Event–Space: A Creative Exploration of Techniques in Multichannel Audio-visual Composition
Calum Vaughan – 2020 (1st supervisor) Semi Real-time Use of Markov Chains in Algorithmic Electronic Dance Music Performance
David Gurney – 2016 (1st supervisor)
Considerations and Practice of Creating and Implementing Effective Game Sound Design
Annelie Nederberg – 2012 (2nd supervisor) Notions of Corporeality in Electroacoustic Music
Masters by Research Internal Examiner
Mihai Traista – 2021, De Montfort University Robotic Sculpture in Transmedia Composition using Sound and Movement